LSC Belgrade Meetup with Adam Berk

Lean Startup Circle Belgrade, as part of Lean Startup Circle is organizing Lean Startup Meetup with Adam Berk. This is another chance for everyone interested in startups to talk to one of most profound lean startup advocates!

Format of the event will be a moderated Q&A session with Adam where your participation is highly encouraged. Join us on Tuesday, May 6th and ask anything you ever wanted to know about running startups. Not only that you will have a chance to talk to one of the original members of Lean Startup Machine team, but you will have another opportunity to meet and talk to peer entrepreneurs and share your experiences with them.

Adam built his first start-up backwards and used the methods he has been teaching to build his second start-up forwards. He had minimal revenue from neighborrow in 5 years and revenue from photogether the first day. Not the first day it launched, the first day he started working on it. Guess which one was lean. Adam travels the world mentoring, teaching, consulting and coaching teams and individuals at places like KauffmanLabs, TechPeaks, Bizdom, TurkishWIN, FastForward Ramallah, AOL, ESPN, NEWSCORP, AMEX and others who don’t want their competition to know just how valuable it can be to run the types of experiments he teaches.

@adamberk is the founder of neigh*borrow, 26smiles, Shared, Squared and was a Director of Entrepreneurial Science at Lean Startup Machine. His specialties include: Lean Startup, Customer Development, Two Sided Markets, A/B Testing, Landing Pages, Hypothesis Testing, Creative Problem Solving, Pricing, Social Media Marketing, Pricing Models.

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